Kontrast has already supported us in filling several management positions. The …
Good support and very good service.
We have been working together for several years. Contrast offers a close …
Vacancies at rehabilitation medicine hospital
Our Hamburg headhunter successfully helps large hospital in Bavaria. Important job advertisement for a hospital engineering position for new buildings …
Permanent Position at Established Non-Profit Institute in Bavaria
The right headhunter: A guide for companies and candidates. Recruiters, recruitment agencies, personnel consultants or headhunters - they are a dime a …
How do I write a job description correctly? And what should be included in a job description? A well-formulated job description is a crucial tool in a …
Mastering the professorial appointment process. Recruiting qualified academics for vacancies at colleges, universities and research organisations …
Studium Personalmanagement in Deutschland. Diese Auswahl zeigt eine Vielfalt von Studienmöglichkeiten in ganz Deutschland, von dualen Studiengängen …
Werkplek vlakbij de grens voor vroedvrouwen en verloskundigen met een goed salaris