Approbation Medical licensing in Germany

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Medical licensing, known as "Approbation," is a legal requirement to practice medicine in Germany. The conditions for obtaining this license vary depending on whether the qualification was obtained within the EU or in another country.

Licensing for Doctors from EU Countries

Doctors who obtained their qualification in an EU country are subject to specific regulations under the EU Professional Recognition Directive. This directive enables extensive recognition of qualifications from other EU member states.

To obtain licensure in Germany, EU doctors typically need to apply to the competent licensing authority of the federal state. This authority assesses the equivalence of the qualification and language proficiency. In many cases, participation in a knowledge examination is also required to assess professional qualifications.

Licensing for Doctors from Other Countries

Doctors who obtained their qualification outside the EU face stricter requirements for licensure in Germany. They usually need to pass a licensing examination to demonstrate the equivalence of their qualification.

The licensing examination typically includes written and oral examinations in medical fundamentals, along with a practical examination that may vary depending on the federal state. Additionally, proficiency in German at level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages may need to be demonstrated.

Supporting Institutions and Organizations

Various institutions and organizations assist doctors seeking licensure in Germany by recognizing foreign qualifications and preparing for licensing examinations. These include:

  • Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB)
    Website: [ZAB Website](
  • German Medical Association (BÄK)
    Website: [BÄK Website](https://www.bundesaerztekammer...)
  • Regional Medical Chambers (Ärztekammern)
    Regional medical chambers in the federal states are responsible for licensing and offer guidance and support with the application process.*

Medical Specialty Societie

Various medical specialty societies offer courses and further education to prepare foreign doctors for licensing examinations.*

Here are the URLs of some medical specialty societies for different fields:

  • Surgery: German Society of General and Visceral Surgery (DGAV)
    Website: [DGAV Website](
  • Gynecology: German Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (DGGG)
    Website: [DGGG Website](
  • Anesthesiology: German Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine (DGAI)
    Website: [DGAI Website](
  • Internal Medicine: German Society of Internal Medicine (DGIM)
    Website: [DGIM Website](
  • Neurology: German Society of Neurology (DGN)
    Website: [DGN Website](
  • Cardiology: German Cardiac Society (DGK)
    Website: [DGK Website](
  • Pediatrics: German Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine (DGKJ)
    Website: [DGKJ Website](
  • Gastroenterology: German Society of Gastroenterology, Digestive and Metabolic Diseases (DGVS)
    Website: [DGVS Website](
  • Ophthalmology: German Ophthalmological Society (DOG)
    Website: [DOG Website](
  • Pulmonology: German Respiratory Society (DGP)
    Website: [DGP Website](
  • Oncology: German Society of Hematology and Oncology (DGHO)
    Website: [DGHO Website](

In conclusion, obtaining medical licensure in Germany is a challenging process that requires thorough preparation. However, by collaborating with the mentioned institutions and organizations, foreign medical professionals can successfully integrate into the German healthcare market.

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