Headhunting Engineering
Date: March 26, 2014

Company successor; how about outside help?

It's generation change time in Germany. This means changes in entrepreneurs, changes in founders, changes in key players, managers, project managers and key people in the company. Analysing the personnel structure of a wide range of companies makes the scope of this topic really clear.

In many cases, an entire team of managers often leaves within a period of one year together with the top performer. Now comes the challenge: managing director successor wanted, entrepreneur successor wanted, first management level wanted and a few more specialists....

But the market does not provide suitable applicants that easily. The managing director takes a quick look at his team. A master craftsman is approached, who lacks the start-up capital and often also the training.

The search now runs via the Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Trade, tax consultants, lawyers, colleagues, association members; time is running out. But one person is not called in. A personnel consultant or headhunter. Because they are too expensive, too slick, nobody knows them and they are no good anyway.

But the market has changed. Through systematic personnel marketing, personnel recruiting and active advertising marketing, such topics can also be purchased as a temporary personnel service and not as a head hunting bounty.

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March 26, 2014